
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月15日 13:01   钱江晚报

  Comparing the health systems of different countries is a tricky business. Even if you look at countries in the same income bracket, there are plenty of factors, from demography to culture, that confuse the picture. But a new study of data from 19 prosperous nations draws one firm conclusion: despite being the top spender per head on health, the United States lags painfully, and increasingly, behind other wealthy countries in the overall performance of its medical system.

  That harsh judgment is made by Ellen Nolte and Martin McKee, researchers at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. They looked at deaths that should have been preventable by proper health care in people under the age of 75. These include deaths resulting from bacterial infections, treatable cancers, diabetes and surgical complications; over a fifth of male deaths and nearly a third of female deaths result from such causes.

  They found that the group as a whole did well in tackling this problem: the decline in what they call “amenable mortality” averaged 16% across these countries from 1997 to 2003: the decline was 17% for men and 14% for women. But the news was not so good in the United States; it had the worst record of the countries studied. America cut “amenable” deaths by only 4% during that period; it fell to bottom of the table.





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