
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月16日 10:29   河南报业网-大河报

  NYC Decides To Clone “Historical”Trees

  Last Thursday,a 100-year-old European beech on Central Park's Cherry Hill became the center of attention -chosen by New York city officials as the first of 25“historical”trees to be cloned as part of a plan announced last year to add a million newtrees to streets,parks and public spaces over the nextdecade.


  “We want to break the stereotype of New York as skyscrapers and sidewalks”,Parks Commissioner Adrian Benape said.“New York abounds in historical trees.”公园委员会主任阿德里安·贝纳普说:“我们的目的是改变纽约到处都是摩天大楼和人行道的旧貌。纽约市内有很多古树。”

  The target trees include nine different species.All were selected by borough foresters as historical for having existed for at least a century- either as fixtures of the urban landscape or as having special significance to local communities.


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