
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月16日 15:03   新浪教育

  H: Next we’ll give the floor to contestant number13.

  C: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen!

  I’m Marcus Doo, a boy from Wuhu. First of all, I must say standing here makes me feel really honored and excited. Maybe you can guess what has brought me to this spot. My English journey started when I began to utter English words as a toddler;. Later, New Concept English cultivated in me a genuine passion for English. And furthermore, Li Yang Crazy English convinced me that it’s my destiny to pursue English learning all my life. I mean, English has opened up a new world to me and English means everything to me.

  April 3rd is the date I’ll never forget. On that day I received the call from CCTV, informing me that I was admitted to the National Final. That news came out of the blue, I couldn’t believe my ears, my mind went blank, my head swirled and I felt as if I was in a dream. Shortly after that, when I calmed down, I began to realize this competition is not my final goal, but a new starting point.

  Today, we are gathering here to compete for the highest mark. All the contestants present are so outstanding that it is a real challenge for me to come out top, at the same time, I’ve got the fine chance to learn from their experience and acquire fresh knowledge. And most important of all, I have the honor to hear the comments given by our respectable judges. All this will certainly give a good push to my English study. Newton once said, “If I have seen further than most men, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” So far I’ve become fully confident of myself simply because I’m standing at a new and high starting point. Setting off from this point, I’ll fulfill my colorful dreams. Maybe several years later, there will be a young man sitting on this judge’s seat and his name will be Marcus Doo. I hope that day will come soon.

  Thanks for listening!

  H: If I give you 10 more seconds, what do you want to say to the audience and the judges?

  C: I want to say thank you for being here and thank you for supporting me so much. Also I want to thank other contestants for supporting me and give encouragement to me.

  H: OK, so that’s always the right thing to say. Now the judges will enter the score for contestant number 13.

  H: OK. Here we still got one more contestant for the speech.

  What will be your topic of today’s speech?

  C: Well, my topic today is Midsummer nice dream in Cambridge

  H: In Cambridge? So we are all familiar with Shakespeare’s Midsummer nice dream, so how come you have a different topic at Cambridge?

  C: I went there last summer vacation. So all the local people and social mold have given me wonderful memory. So I decided to write down my experience and my true feeling about that.

  H: OK, so let’s hear that. You can start now.

  C: People often think of Cambridge as a diamond on an imperial crown, which means it is a world-famous seat of academic authority. In the summer vacation of 2002, I luckily had an opportunity to visit Cambridge. When I finally reached her, Cambridge welcomed me in her particular approachable way. Besides the imposing buildings of the universities, the honest and warm local people also gave me wonderful memories. Here I have a story to tell you.

  During my stay in Cambridge there was a traditional festival in memory of William Shakespeare .I decided to go to the Girton College to enjoy the famous play: ”Midsummer Night’s Dream.”

  The open-air performance took place in the Collage Yard. The actors’ lively performance made me immediately involved. But unexpectedly, it started to rain, and what was worse, I forgot to take my umbrella. On the stage, the actors just kept performing, regardless of the heavy rain. However, I was annoyed and ready to leave. Then an old lady lent her raincoat to me and said with a kind smile: ‘never mind, child. One umbrella is enough for my husband and I. I was deeply moved by the dedicated actors and the warm—hearted.

  I think that the true love between people is beyond nationalities. It can build a bridge between people of different nations and colors of skin. I believe that the whole world is a family. And at that moment, I just immersed myself in the fragrant atmosphere that was as sweet as a midsummer night’s dream.

  Thank you!

  H: Welcome back to the national final of CCTV 4th annual of star of outlook English talent competition. And now you are in the teenagers’ semi-final.

  And just now we’ve finished the first part: prepared speech. And the 14 contestants did a good job.

  Yes, they think about a lot of things. The topic range from friendship, music, peace, everything.

  Yes, they thought the world. They are really thought provoking. And we know about their marks but it’s still too early to say who will be the winner.

  OK,we’ll continue the competition. And now comes the second part: question and answer.

  Now let’s welcome the 2 question masters Ms Marijane Elliot, and Mr. Tom W. OK, our judges are ready and I’m sure the contestants are ready, too. Now let’s welcome back the first contestant, contestant number 1.

  Please get ready for the questions.

  J: Hi! Your question is this: who is your idol? And if you could meet this person, what would you say to him or her?

  C: Thank you for your question first. My idol is a TV program hostess. Her name is YangLan. And I really adore her, Because she has a lot of wisdom. You know, when I first saw her on the TV, it was just a big surprise! I always see very beautiful host on TV shows. But sometimes they do not have so much wisdom. And if I have a chance to meet YangLan, I just want to say to her. I was so admire you, and I want to be your friend. And if I could be her friend, which is a great honor to me, I will really learn a lot from her. I want to be a TV host as her as well. So maybe still on her channel. Maybe in the future, I will be a TV hostess. I think I should try my best to be like her, maybe not better than her, but also want to be a TV host. And that’s my dream. Thank you!

  H: OK, contestant number 1 dreams of becoming a TV person. And now the judges will enter their score for contestant number 1.

  OK. Contestant number 1 has just talked about her idols. That’s YangLan, so any comments on her response to question master’s question? Any one of you would like to say a few words? So let’s start with Ms Allison, please!

  J: I would just like to make a comment that I really feel that you have a strong present when public speaking. Great eye contact! Keep that on! That’s fantastic! I think you can work a little bit on your intonation and your pronunciation. Especially when using the “l” sound, which I know, is one of the hardest sounds to create. And I know it’s difficult because you have to speak very quickly. But remember to speak clearly. Fantastic job, though, overall. Great job!

  H: Let’s welcome back contestant number 2.

  J: Hello! My question for you is where are you from? What time do you think is the best time to travel there?

  C: I come from NanJing. You know, it’s a very ancient city in China. And I think the best time to travel to NanJing is in spring. NanJing is a city in south. And there are lots of trees planted in both sides of the streets and some flowers are also grown just under the trees. In spring, a lot of birds will also come back and sang some beautiful songs. And you know lakes are used to freeze in winter and now it changed into water again. Do you know XuanWu lake? It's a very famous lake. I think XuanWu lake in spring is also very beautiful, just like a mirror. It used to be dirty, but now it’s very beautiful. So I think the most beautiful time in NanJing is spring. Thank you! Welcome! Welcome to NanJing.

  H: Now the judges please enter your score for contestant number 2. And later one of the judges will make some comments. OK, Mr.Teng?

  J: I think what I appreciate from your presentation is that you’ve been very well in presenting yourself. Not only use the skills, but also involving several advises in terms of communicating. For example you’ve been asking questions. Not only for yourself but also asking questions to the judges. That was very good communication. Thank you! Wonderful job!

  H: The next one to answer the questions from our question masters is contestant number 3.

  J: Hi! This question is about your 18th birthday. That’s a long time away from you. But the question is how would you like to spend your 18th birthday?

  C: Because when I’m going to be 18 years old, it’s the year 2008. And that’s the year Beijing is going to hold its summer Olympic Games, right? So, I guess the best way to spend it would be a big birthday party at the stadium. And I can meet all those stars that I dreamed. Maybe I can meet, let’s say, Vince Carter for basketball. That would be a best way. And the best present would be they will give me a job to volunteer for the Olympic Games. That’s what I want to spend my birthday. Thank you!

  H: You still have time, do you wanna say something else?

  C: Well, I think that’s pretty much!

  H: Maybe you could invite all of us?

  C: Yes, of course! Definitely! This is a big thing for my whole life. You guys can go definitely. I welcome you!

  H: Thank you! So please enter your scores for contestant number 3.

  So Ms Dian C, would you make some comments?

  J: Thank you. My suggestion to you is to maintain a formal approach to your speech. OK? Now, you’re natural style today. Very charming and very affective. But today you’re absolutely charming and you’ve done a wonderful job.

  H: Welcome back to CCTV 4th annual star of outlook English talent competition teenagers’ semi-final. Just now the 2question masters asked the first 3 contestants a couple of questions and now I will be the question master and I have some questions for our audience. So, in the first round, you’ve watched the 14 contestants’ performance. What do you think? Would you share some of your opinions with us?

  Audience: OK. Now today we’re very happy and excited. Because contestant number 8 got the first in the first round who is from our school. Of course the other contestants did well, too. So, we are very happy and excited. And also we’re very astonished. Because today all the contestants are teenagers. But their English are wonderful. So as a teacher of English, I feel to be challenged. Yes, and what I should do I think is to make my English class more enjoyable, more active, more interesting. To make my students in their English learning and learn English well. Thank you!

  H: OK, that’s a remark from the teacher. And we also have some lovely boy and girls here. And I believe the questions just now raised to the first 3 contestants are interesting. What do you think? Would you like to answer one of these questions? So where are you from? Why not introduce yourself?

  Audience: Actually I’m from Beijing. I’m a contestant. And also those contestants are really really good. Wonderful! They did really good job! I’m really glad to meet them. And also, I only want to say one thing is for this part, I think they should use all the time. They shouldn’t wait or the other guy will get a high score. That’s it! I hope everybody is lucky! Good luck!

  H: And thank you very much. And now, let’s just go back to the competition. Because the next 3 contestants are ready.

  Yes, thanks! Next one will come back, contestant number 4.

  J: Good. Now this question I have for you is very important because many of us here are teachers. So the question is this. How do you celebrate teacher’s day with your teacher?

  C: First I have to say that I have a very good teacher. She is very good to me. I’ve learned a lot. She is my English teacher. She didn’t just teach me English. She teaches me the principle I have to follow in my life. Her famous words is----I’m very much like speak his famous words at this celebration, because he has always telling that----life is full of joy and challenges dominating. But I shall never panic and lose sight of my priority in face of it. Well on that day I’m always come into her house, meet with him, make our little celebrations at his round table. And I like to have some chat with her because she’s very busy doing with her works. I don’t have much extravagant things for her. But I have to say that I want to celebrate with her on a very small-scale.

  H: So please enter your scores for contestant number 4. So Pro.Vheng, would you please say a few words about contestant number 4’s performance?

  J: Yes, thank you. I’m really impressed by your speech. And you know the content is very important. And you start with an issue of your teacher. And then you shift to the holiday. Then you went to a house. It’s a very good strategy. And, so your teacher is a female, right? So, not “him”. Sometimes you say him, sometimes you say her. And I’m get confused. Anyway, pretty good. I appreciate your speech very much.

  H: Now let’s move on to contestant number 5.

  J: Hi! I’m going to ask a question about your name. Chinese names all have a meaning. So, this question is how would you describe your name? Try to describe your name.

  C: OK. My Chinese name is Li Xiaomeng. Xiaomeng in Chinese is means a little plant. So I guess my parents want me to be a little plant. Just receive a lot of sunshine and to be a healthy girl. And to make myself to be beautiful and healthy. They want me to do this because I think they take a good care of me from I born until now. So I thank them very much. And also, Xiaomeng is a very good hope. I hope I can be a good girl in the future and to be a fashion designer. And I want to make everybody to be beautiful. So this is my dream. Thank you!

  H: So dreams to be a big tree one-day from the little sprout. OK, now the judges will enter the scores for contestant number 5.

  OK. Pro.Gong, would you like to make some comment?

  J: Thank you for your answer. And I think your English is fluent. And you are clearly express yourself. Actually your name is given by your parents. So they have their thinking. And I would say that if you just concentrate on that is really good. But overall you’ve done a good job. Thank you!

  H: Now let’s welcome back contestant number 6 Yangmao.

  J: Alright! Are you ready?

  Now when you have conflicts between your study and your extracurricular activities, what do you do?

  C: OK. When I have some conflicts with my learning and some after class activities. Frankly, I think I will just cut off some activities. And pay more attention to my learning. Because you know in China, it is very important for one student to get a good mark in the exam. Because the final exam. We must get through the final exam then we can enter a better college or university. So if I pay more attention to the activities, then I can’t spend much time on my learning. And then I will get a bad mark. Maybe I would fail in the exam. That’s all.

  H: And next let’s wait for the score for contestant number 6. If the same question to contestant number 5 will raised to you. That would be very interesting. Because you have a very interesting Chinese name. So sometimes it does cause a lot of misunderstanding. OK now let’s hear the comments from Pro.Huang.

  J: I’m totally agree with you that the only thing Chinese students are facing is competition. Because China enjoys the largest population in the world. But I have to remind you try to find a balance between learning and outside activity. Healthy is one of the most important thing in our life. Thank you!

  H: The first 6 contestants finished their Q&A part. And later we’ll know about their ranks.

  And you still got time and chance to guess who will be the winner because we have more competitions ahead. And the next one is contestant number 7.

  Let’s welcome him! Welcome back!

  J: Hi! This question actually has 2 parts. So I’ll just read them both, and you can think about it. First one is: what is one thing about yourself that you really satisfied with? And the second part is: is there anything negative that comes with that?

  Are you ready?

  C: I think the most thing I satisfy with myself is I’m very confident. And in any race, big or small, important or not, I’m always very confident when I’m standing on the stage. I think confident is the most important factor that players should have. Because if we are confident with ourselves, we won’t be afraid of anything. And if other players are very good too, we don’t be beaten by them at the first sight. Well, the thing I’m negative to myself is when I’m on a race, for example, I always get very busy and hasty. I’m too excited and wanted to be very good. So sometimes it will be the negative factor to me. That’s all.

  Thank you.

  H: The judges, please enter your score for contestant number 7.

  So Pro.Hou, would you make some comments on her response?

  J: You said confidence is something you are happy about yourself. I think that is very good. And I can also see it. You are confident. But you can probably be a little bit more relaxed. Because your face has been tense when you say one thing I’m happy about myself is confidence. You should also show the expression to support the idea. Thank you.

  H: So our judges are really particular to the details.

  H: And next let’s give the floor to contestant number 8.

  J: Good. Alright! This is one of the most fun questions for me to ask. If you advance into the finals, whom will you tell first and why?

  C: If I were advanced into the finals, I think the first person I would tell is my mother. Because she has always been there for me. From I was just a very little girl, I remember her teaching me, always think before you react. And so on. I always remember that lesson. She taught me many other lessons, too. And my English was the most part was learned from her. She helped me with many things as well. When I was sad, she will always put me on her leg. She will help me until I stop crying. I remember when the first time she when to America, I was very sad and didn’t ant her to go, because she is my Mum. And I think my closest relationship is with her. I really thank her for what she did for me and what she taught me. I’m really thankful and grateful. And I just want her to know that I want to make her proud. And I think that she would be proud if I advanced into the finals. Thank you.

  H: Judges, please enter your score for contestant number 8, first.

  OK,Allison, would you make some comment?

  J: Fantastic job! I think you have a very natural presence in front of a group of people. But I think one thing to focus on is answering the question directly. You did say, yes I would tell my mother. It’s easy to get sidetrack a little bit into talking about something else. And I think you did that. You were talking about you and your Mum’s relationships. So just to make sure to send on track with that. But overall, fantastic job and beautiful English!

  H: Now let’s welcome the next one contestant number 9.

  J: OK. This one is about young love. Are there many cases of young love in your school? That’s like teen-dating, you know? And what’s your opinion about this relationship? What do you think about it? You understand this question? OK!

  C: OK. Indeed, in our days, especially high school, we do have some love affairs, which happens between teenagers. It seems that it’s inevitable. But when we think about this question that do we should have love affair when we are in high school? And the answer is clear. No, never. Because we haven’t realized what love is. And if we have get involved in the love affair, the thing that waiting for us is money, time, is responsibility, passion, something like that. So, in my opinion, I don’t agree that any of us, the guys like us to get involved in the love affairs. Because we have no time to do things like that. What we are waiting for is our study. In our school, our main business is study, is to make your own heart in study. Thank you!

  H: I hope the sound wouldn’t be so nerve-wrack. OK. Now the judges will be working on the scores for contestant number 9. And now let’s hear from Pro.Teng again for comment.

  J: I think it is a very controversial and very sensitive question. You’ve done a very good job in clarifying the issue centering around the phenomenon, which is prevailing here in China, particularly on campuses at the nation’s middle schools. One thing that I also like to help you is I think the choice of word seems to be quite problematic. I think it’s not love affairs. But I think it’s like we have set in the question, young love, right? It’s not about the so-called love affairs. Thank you!

  H: Welcome back! You’re watching the 4th annual of star of outlook English talent competition. And this is teenagers’ semi-final. And here I got some questions first for Pro.Hou. Just now we had the Q&A part. And it’s just like an impromptu speech. And what do you think that in what way we can organize a good impromptu speech in a short prepared time?

  J: Well, I’m not sure if I can give really significant advice on that. But my experience is that first of all, in an impromptu setting, you need to feel relaxed. Because when you are nervous, even if you are very witty, offstage, most of the time, on that particular moment, you may find yourself very very much at the end of your wit. So my suggestion is that be relaxed.

  H: Now let’s continue the competition. Next one to show up is contestant number 10.

  Let’s welcome back!

  J: Now, if you could be a head teacher in your class for only one day, how would you manage your class?

  C: OK. First I want to say that I’m not really sure that everyone of the audience has heard the questions clearly. So for your better understanding of myself, first I repeat the question. The question is if I had the chance to be a head teacher of my class for one day. What will I do? I think there are two things that I have to do. First one is try to contact more with my students. We love the teacher that can contact with us more emotionally or mentally. I heard that a teacher he always talks to his students on the Internet. From this way to know what they are thinking. I think this is really a good way for teacher’s understanding of the students. And the second thing I want to do is if I have class of my students that I will show to the public, I won’t practice it in advance. I think it’s really an ugly thing for teacher. I won’t do that. And these are the two things I would do if I were a head teacher of my class for one day. Thank you!

  H: Now please enter your score for contestant number 10. So Pro.Cheng, any comments on her response? Dian, please? It’s your turn!

  J: First of all, let me say, you look lovely, very professional. And that makes a difference.

  From a judge’s perspective, I think it makes a difference. You gave a good answer. I like the fact that you repeat the question although it was a bit wordy leading up to it. Be careful of unnecessary words. Also, flow of speech, English is a flowing speech. Allow the words to be connected and to stretch the vows a little bit for a more connected sound, more flowing. Word choice, just let me correct one thing in your phrasing. The word “contact”. ”To have more contact with the students”, the phrase should be “to contact more”. But let me say you did a wonderful job!

  H: And next let’s welcome contestant number 11.

  J: OK. Here it is. A lot of students use weekends and holidays to take different workshops, like training classes and different kinds of courses at weekends and holiday. And I wanna know what do you think about this? What’s your opinion about that?

  C: Yes, first I wanna make sure one thing that I met, when I was in the United States, when I was having a Chinese-US students exchange program, there I download a document which is about Chinese super kids. And it is written by an American writer. And he said that Chinese kids are so excellent because they have extra classes at the weekends. They work hard from Monday to Friday. It seemed that they use all their time to study. It just like they never stop studying and they are going to do very well in the future and help their country. And the writer seems to be very much agreeing with the kids there. But actually I don’t agree with this. Because some students don’t really want extra classes, the teacher gave them. Some of them really want to have it just because they want to get a high mark. So all I wanna say is that it depends on yourself. And I think that they should have a rest. So that’s it! Thanks!

  H: Thank you! OK, we’ll wait to see the scores you got. And Pro.Cheng, please make some comment.

  J: You are really lovely girl. And you have a kind of talent with English language. I’m really impressed by you when you were speaking and your manners. But in Q&A this part, I don’t think it’s a good strategy by starting with a contrary example. You’re oppressed by time. I don’t think you have fully expressed your ideas. So if you have a chance to go to the final, I hope you can pay a little attention on it. OK.

  H: And next is contestant number 12.

  J: The question is this: Do you like to play computer games? And the other part of the question is this: Do you think it’s good for a middle school student to spend s lot of time playing computer games?

  C: Firstly, I have to happily admit that I love computer games. But, as for a middle school student, I don’t think it’s a good idea to play computer games all the time. Because we are right at a very important period of time, probably in our lifetime. Because the condition of education in China is so tough for us, especially us high school students or even junior middle school students. So spending too much time on playing computer games is not a good idea. It can waste most of our time, such as good time for studying or doing homework. All in all, I don’t think it’s a good idea to keep on playing computer games during this very important period of time. Thank you!

  H: Thank you very much for your response. And now the judges will score for your response. So, Pro.Gong, please say a few words.

  J: Thank you for your great answer. You know that it’s not easy to answer such a controversial issue question in 10 seconds. Your idea is very well organized. My only suggestion maybe next time you can be more formal and dress up. It seems you are too casual. Thank you!

  H: Good evening! You are watching the 4th annual of star of outlook English talent competition. And this is teenagers’ semi-final. We re in the 2nd part, Q&A.

  So on tonight’s competition, the 14 contestants will be competing for the 9 vacancies of the final. And just now, from contestant number1 to 12 have answered the questions from our 2 question masters. And who has done a better job? Let’s check it out on the scoreboard for their scores and ranks.

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