
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月16日 16:18   新浪教育


  My Happiness

  Many friends of mine who plan to go abroad are facing 2 perplexities: dreams of seemingly bright future. And uncertainty of a totally new life and happiness. Going abroad to America, for example, is just like living in paradise to most dreamers. Well. Come to think about it. Is it really an ideal life to live in a foreign country? How much does it relate to happiness?

  I remember when I was a kid, the picture of my ideal life was to live in a big city, carrying a walkie-talkie, driving a car to work, and owning a big house. However, I myself by and by have found that to be happy is not easy. I have been trying to get somewhere and it is definitely not here!

  I remember Oscar Schindler, a German war profiteer. He was happy when the world was filled with his pots and pans, and he was even much happier after he spent all his money in saving more than 1100 Jewish lives and left penniless. He found his happiness.

  I also remember my friend and my senior high school foreign teacher, Susan. After graduation from Cambridge University, she came to China to teach English and made it a life-long career. She found her happiness too.

  I thought a lot and wondered: what determines my everyday life and where is my happiness?

  Finally, I got a clue. That is: a person’s happiness is not only decided by his external possession of property, but also by his internal beauty of spirit.

  So I ask myself

  To be independent, free, happy and honest.

  To be confident, determined, self-respective and creative.

  To have the sense of protecting the nature, the willingness to help others and the great passion for life.

  My dear friends please remember: Life is a gift and shouldn’t be wasted; be true to yourself and be happy!

  Thanks for your attention!




别墅…… 然而,慢慢的,我发现幸福没有想象的那样简单。那所谓的幸福生活并不能带给我心灵的快乐。











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