
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月16日 16:25   新浪教育


  About love

  The best and most beautiful thing in the world cannot be seen or even touched. It must be felt with the heart, and that is love.

  Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in the world. With this thought, I find myself a phenomenal girl. Even though not tall or beautiful, the love for myself makes me feel confident and happy every day. I try to appreciate everything around me- the people, the life I am living and the world that I am in and thus I have noticed how nice it is to love and be loved.

  I can’t forget grandma’s response when my little cousin spilled honey all over her brand new carpet. Instead of blaming her, she just knelt down, looked tenderly into the little girl’s tearful eyes and said: “Don’t worry dear, we can get you more honey later.” And we can all imagine how warm that little girl finds her heart is. See, those kind words are short and easy to say, but their echoes are truly endless. That’s where the greatness of love lies.

  I can still remember the poor little boy’s thankful look when my big brother took him into the store and bought him a Christmas present. He was so surprised that he asked: “Are you God, sir?” “No, I am just one of his children.” “Oh, I know you had to be some relation.” and I see this as what love means to be. The love we give away is the only love we keep.

  So don’t be so mean only to bury your love in the corner of your heart. When living in the world that is full of terror and war, doubt and sorrow it’s everyone’s duty to send their love to themselves and to others. If your love can stop one heart from breaking, if your love can ease one life from aching or cool one pain, if your love can help one fainting robin onto his nest again, you are not living in vain. And I am sure the spreading love is the only way to save and heal the world as well as ourselves.



  你首先要爱你自己,只有这样其余的任何事才能进入正常轨道。爱你自己而后你就能做成任何事。在这种想法的指引下,我发现自己其实是一个很了不起的女孩。虽然没有窈窕身材花容月貌,这种对自己的爱依然使我每天都快乐而自信, 它让我去珍惜身边的一切--- 周围的人,我的生活以及我所在的这个世界。于是我发现爱与被爱是如此的美好。




  所以不要吝惜得将爱埋藏在心里的某个角落,当我们处在现在这个世界中,发现周围尽是恐怖与战争,怀疑与悲伤,用心去爱自己和别人是每个人义不容辞的责任。如果你的爱能够拯救一颗破碎的心,如果你的爱能够抚慰那滴血的伤口, 哪怕只能够挽救一只小鸟的性命,那你的生命真得是很有意义。我相信爱是会传播的,如果每个人都能去爱,那末整个世界将会是无限美好。

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