
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月16日 17:31   新浪教育


  Lovely Christelle

  My little cousin Christelle, Her Chinese name is Tian Tian. Last year, she came back from US for summer vacation. She was very proud of herself of traveling alone from San Francisco to Beijing. Christelle is such a pretty girl that everyone in the family loves her.

  Although Christelle is only ten year old, her life is already full of unique and interesting stories. She was born in Paris, France. She moved to Montreal, Canada when she was three and a half. Then she moved to U.S.A three years ago. Now Christelle is a Grade Five student in Silicon Valley, California. She doesn't have any homework during the weekends, spring breaks and summer vacations. But she loves to read on her own. She has finished already all of four Harry Potter books published so far.

  When Christelle was in Paris and Montreal, her primary language was French. Now she can speak English very well but her French is getting more and more rusty. She doesn't know much about reading and writing in Chinese. One day she asked me: “Chinese one has one line, two has two lines, three has three lines, so the number four must have four lines? Right?” oh! Such a funny idea!Christelle is always puzzled and amazed by the ways the family members call each other: ”Why mother’s brother is called Jiu Jiu, but father’s brother is Shu Shu?;Why mother’s mother is called Lao Lao, but father’s mother is Nai Nai? It’s so hard to remember them all!!!”.By the way, Christelle is my cousin on my mother’s side. Her father is the oldest brother of my mother. Christelle is so pretty and pure, I love her .可爱的Christelle






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