
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月16日 17:34   新浪教育


  Help The Frogs

  “Oh, no! We should have been friends…” the frogs said to the cooker before dying. Later, these frogs became a dinner and were served to the guests in a restaurant. “Fried frog, very delicious!” said the guests. Hearing that, other frogs who were just waiting for death in a box wept at their misfortune.

  A little frog asked his mother,“mum, why are you weeping?”

  “Because the cook is going to kill us for someone’s dinner, and we will be eaten!” the mother answered.

  “Mum, do people only eat frogs?”

  “No” mum shook her head with a sigh, “people just think we are more delicious than other food. Actually, they have thousands of kinds of food.”

  “But we have helped people a lot. We eat insects to protect their crops. People and frogs should be friends,” the little frog told his mother.

  Yes, people and frogs should be friends. Our friends, frogs, protect our crops and the environment, but we, people, only reward the frogs by killing and eating them.

  What we do only for ourselves often causes great trouble to other creatures. Man is the most intelligent creature in the world, but why are we so selfish and short sighted? Can you imagine if in several years a teacher teaches the word “frog”, and the kids ask with confusion “what is a frog?” because the world has no more frogs. What a scary picture!









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