
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月16日 17:43   新浪教育


  Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, my name is Linda, I feel it’s my pleasure to give a talk. My topic is homework. You know sometimes, I’m always thinking if we don’t have any homework to do, what will happen? It’s really hard to imagine, you know. Maybe everyone will be crazy, and happy. Maybe all the students will go traveling on weekends, or just relaxing,

  Well, for me, it’s another story. I think I will be in a disaster Of course it’s not a real disaster, you know, what I’m going to say is my mum will leave me a lot of things to do including homework, housework, going shopping, cooking, you know, sort of things like that. I love to do some cooking, do some cleaning, or shopping with mum, but I hate to do so much homework, I like interesting homework, like, playing games, or making up stories, you know, those things, very interesting, very vivid.

  I really don’t like boring things, it’s too dull, It makes me sleepy, However, I love to do one thing, even it’s homework, that is English. I find that I’m crazy about English. And I love to recite English words, I feel it’s fun that I can have a big vocabulary.

  Learning English is my first goal, after that, I will learn Japanese, French, German, and so on. I really love languages, I think later on, I will be a language expert. Believe it or not! I have the confidence.







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