
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月16日 17:49   新浪教育


  I Like English

  Hi, my name is Qiu Chen Xin. I’m from Fuzhou, Fujian Province.

  I’m smart and I like English very much. I’m lucky that my mother is an English teacher. She began to teach me English when I was very young. I enjoy learning English because I think English language is as beautiful as music. I like to watch Disney cartoons in English, such as “Snow White and Seven Dwarfs”, “Pinocchio”, “Dumbo” and many others. My American friend Amy said they were also her favorite when she was at my age. Besides, I love watching English movies for children, like “Home Alone”, “Harry Porter” and so on. I improve my English a lot by watching English cartoons and movies, and have great fun at the same time. Outlook English also helps me a lot in my English study. I’ve been watching this program for nearly a year. Now I can use English to communicate with foreign people. Last year, I took part in an English speaking contest in Fuzhou and won the first place.

  I like English. What about you? Come on and study English with me. English will make your outlook brighter.






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