
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月16日 17:51   新浪教育


  This Is Me

  Hello, everyone! My name is Kerry. My Chinese name is Qu Zhi. I am eleven years old .My birthday is October 31st, which is Halloween in America,when children dress up in costumes like animals, cartoon characters, and famous people. They wear masks and walk door-to-door asking for candy. They call this trick-or-treating in the United States. It is very exciting and fun for kids.

  I do very well in school also. My favorite subjects are Chinese and Math. I always rank among the best students with my good grades. I am very good at making friends. I like people whether or not they are good students. Because my classmates elected me as Class Monitor, I must try my best to perform very well and be a good role model for others.

  When I’m with my family, my parents think I act quite differently than I do when I am at school. I am eleven and always have a lot of energy. Mom has to call me several times to come to dinner. If I don’t like the food we are eating, I usually stare at the dishes with an angry face and won’t even touch my chopsticks or my bowl. Sometimes I will just eat a little so my parents won’t notice and then try to escape from the dinner table. Once, Mom asked me, being completely sincere: “Why do you become another person at home once you leave school? Your teachers speak so highly of you!” After she said that, I felt really uneasy. So I have decided to be a better daughter: one who loves to study and work, and to act the same at school as at home.


  大家好!我叫凯瑞,我的中国名字叫曲直。我今年11岁。 我的生日是10月31日,是美国的南瓜节。这一天,人们装扮成小动物、卡通人物和名人,带上各种各样的面具到各家各户去要糖果吃,在美国叫做“trick-or-terating”,可热闹了。



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