
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月16日 18:17   新浪教育


  Most reliable friend never forgotten

  I never thought anyone of the same age of me could be more special than me until a half-year-younger girl came into my life three years ago.

  Once in this term I met her in the English corner and both of us were so excited because we had not seen each other for so long since the day we were distributed into different classes at the beginning of out senior year. She looked me in the eye and said, “Suzy, since the day we were not in the same class, I’ve been feeling lost, but what's more, I can definitely feel that you have left something in my mind or body that my new classmates who know you said I was so much like you!” I smiled, feeling so touched inside and suddenly a word jumped into my mind “permeate”. Yes, we permeated each other because I felt the same way as her.

  Lynda, the girl, my best friend, would like to call me the most reliable friend and I would, too.

  We were in the same class in junior school and we shared the same room with six other girls. To tell you the truth, I didn’t like her at all first because of her boyish manners, hardly ever making the bed, never cleaning the dormitory, and she was less talkative than anyone of us in our dormitory---totally special. Maybe this kind of personality never appeared in my life so I felt uncomfortable quite a bit. But when I began to talk to her, I thought it was a wonderful beginning because if I hadn’t talk to her I would lost the most valuable friend in my life. Actually, she was optimistical and rakish and that’s why she was boyish, and it was her boyish way of thinking, that our friendship remained long with no quarrels. I mean, the longer I was with her , the more I behaved smartly like a boy.

  People’s mind changes, but friendship will last forever. The hard school life occupies most of our time and we seem to be kept away from each other though we are in the same grade. But distance makes beauty, when we see each other and say such simple worlds like “What’s up” “Catch you later” “Don’t forget to call me” make both of us feel warm and satisfied.



  这学期有一次我在学校的英语角遇见了她,我们两都异常激动。因为自从高中一年级新学期开始我们被分到不同的班级后,我们已经有好长时间没有看见对方了。她看着我的眼睛:“Suzy, 你知道吗,自从我们不在一个班后,我觉得自己失去了什么,但是更多,我觉得你在我身上或是头脑中留下了什么,我的新班级的同学过去认识你的都说我好像你!”我笑了,心里十分感动,突然有一个词跳进我的脑袋里“渗透”。对,我们已经渗透对方了。

  Lynda, 我最好的朋友,喜欢叫我最可靠的朋友,而我也是。


  人是会改变的,但是友谊却会长存。繁重的学习生活占据了我们大量的时间,我们两似乎也隔了很远。但每当我们遇见对方,说一些简单的话语如“What’s up” “ Catch you later” “Don't forget to call me ”都让我两感觉温暖和满足。

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