
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月17日 11:33   新浪教育


  Olympics And Me

  Dear Ladies and Gentlemen:

  During the Opening ceremony of the 2004 Olympics, I wasn’t thinking about the breath-taking victories or the beautiful pageantry. Instead, I worried that only a handful of athletes would win a gold medal. All the others would fail. The Olympics seemed so cruel.

  Kilometer Run. The normally quiet coastline was filled with volunteers and fans. It was then I fully understood the Olympic theme. People from all over the world join to compete and to watch, but more importantly, to do these things TOGETHER.

  The Olympic Games really are about one dream. But the dream’s not about winning, it’s about everyone gathering together, athlete with athlete, fan with fan, country with country, as one worldwide community. In 2008, I’ll definitely watch the Olympic Games because I dare to believe that through sports we can truly share ONE WORLD, ONE DREAM.

  Thanks for listening. (If you have time)





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