
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月17日 11:42   新浪教育








  不过,回国后的学习生活随着开学而紧张起来,这使我没有机会练习口语。我刚刚还在突飞猛进的口语顿时生疏了许多。Practice makes perfect。多么正确的一句话!

  现在,我时常看一看英文电影,听一听录音、英语新闻和英语歌。我每天都听半小时的英语,我们全班的同学还会轮流daily report,形式多样。到别人说时,我就记下生词,吸取新知识;论到我时,就会变着花样精心准备。英语歌也是我的最爱。West life, Kelly Clarkson和Carrie Underwood 是我的最爱,我也很喜欢Backstreet boys, Hilay Duff, Lindsay Lohan, Jesse McCartney , Avril Lavigne, Mandy Moore, Plus one等。



  Since the 20th century, the importance of oral English has been realized along with the extension of the communication with other countries. Spoken English has become a communication tool absolutely necessary. Nothing can be formed in short time, and improving the ability of students’ oral English isn’t an exception. We cultivate students skills of speaking English from several sides.

  As an English learner, language environment makes great influence on improving oral English ability. So each lesson, we create an English environment for them. At the beginning of he class, we do a daily report. Students take turns to do it. They can tell a story, a joke, make a puzzle, introduce a person, a film, a book, and sing a song. In all, they can do anything they are fond of , but all of them should be made in English. We all use English to communicate with each other in and after class, making them imagine they indeed live in an English speaking surrounding.

  in each lesson we organize various classroom activities and motivate the students’ interest of speaking English. We do a debate of some controversial problems, role play some melodramatic stories, discuss some questions they are interested in, which keep the students in long-term happy mood and help them form active learning attitude and stimulate their learning interest.

  praise is the cheapest, the easiest, and the most effective method to motivate students’ learning motion because confidence id the first important step of their success. We try our best to create a free, open, relaxed and equal atmosphere side and make the students and teachers breathe freely in the class. By doing this, we can learn from each other and let the students know they are the best.

  Harmonious relationship between teachers and students also plays an important role in English learning. Students get help and guidance from the teachers in their study, life and other sides. We can share their happiness and sadness, blessedness and unhappiness. We care for and love them. We communicate with each other as friends in mentality, sensibility and personality.

  We do so many things and create so many opportunities to help them have a better language environment to practice oral English. But in all, her success can’t be separated from her own e3ffor. She is such an intelligent girl that we are all proud of her, proud of a student like her, proud of a friend like her. We all wish her great success in the next step and perform her well on her life stage.

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