
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月17日 11:43   新浪教育


  The Olympic Games Will Always Be In My Heart

  There are two ways of participating the Olympic Games: as a competitor or as a supporter. Of course, we cannot compete in the stadium with those athletes; therefore, what we could do is to start from tiny things, to give our support to the Olympics.

  Our school——Beijing Bayi High School, gave us a great chance for the latter. It had organized 2008 students to take part in an activity called “the Olympics in Our Hearts”. We stood on the playground holding bunches of artificial flowers to form the emblem of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. Although we stood for at least three hours, nobody had ever wanted to quit, everyone was very enthusiastic about it, and we all wanted to show the best of ourselves.

  I think it is really a meaningful event, because it gave us a chance to send our best wishes to the Olympic Games. I am proud that I was able to take part in an activity like that, and the Olympic Games will always be in my heart.





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