
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月17日 13:33   新浪教育


  Share the Spirit

  The coming 2008 Olympic party in Peking is offering us invitations to participate and celebrate. My sports fan daddy, who would certainly be glad to go, As of me, it is less possible to save enough money to afford the high expense, can only participate mentally, sitting on the sofa, eating chips, counting the medals we win. Being an audience, greatly inspired by the passion, dedication, and courage of these athletes, I have been also pursuing my own dream passionately. Directing my own film 《coffee story》, studying in California by living on instant noodles, and starting my own language training school with my own name. Achieving all these tough dreams and be who I am, what I need is just the sprit of never giving up!

  And that is it! Thanks.

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