
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月17日 13:44   新浪教育


  They Also Deserve Our Applause

  At beginning of my speech I want to ask every one of you: have you ever heard of this word “Goal ball”? Well, don’t blame yourself if you haven’t, because you can’t find it in many dictionaries either. It’s a Paralympics sport for blind people. We don’t know this word because much less attention is paid to the Paralympics games---the Olympic Games for people with different disabilities. In 2004, I saw from the TV that six blind people were playing goal ball in the final of the Athens Paralympics Games. They couldn’t see, so they didn’t know the stand was almost empty. I can see, and my heart sank.

  So, I’ve decided that in 2008, I want to become a volunteer. My major concern is how to serve those athletes with disabilities and how to bring more focus on the Paralympics Games. For I firmly believe they also deserve our attention and our applause, because we live in one world and share one dream.


  在我演讲的开始,我想问你们每个人一个问题:你们听说过“Goal ball(盲人足球)”这个词吗?如果没有听过,也不要责怪自己,因为很多字典都没有收入这个词。这是残奥会的盲人比赛项目。我们不知道这个词,因为残奥会,残疾人的奥运会,往往被我们忽视。在2004年,在一次电视转播中,我看到6位盲人选手在雅典残奥会盲人足球的决赛努力比赛,他们看不见,所以他们不知道看台几乎是空空荡荡。我看得见,我的心情沉重。


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