
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月17日 14:10   新浪教育


  Olympic and I fly together

  I was seven years old when I knew Beijing would host the 2008 Olympic Games. I felt very happy. But soon I began to worry about what I could do for this Olympics, because you know, I live in Chengdu, which is far from Beijing. Finally I got an idea; I’d save money to go to Beijing, to be a volunteer.

  My parents give me some pocket money every week. I used to buy some toys or snacks with this money. But after I decided to save money, I didn’t buy them anymore. I even went to parks to sell the newspapers for several times. It’s a hard job, but I was happy.

  I’m eleven years old now and I believe my dream will surely come true in 2008. The Olympics, you are now not far any longer.



  我父母每个星期都会给我一些零花钱。我常常用来买零食和玩具。可自从我决定攒钱后,我再也不买了。有时我还去公园买报纸,虽然这是个很辛苦的工作, 但是我很高兴。


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