
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月17日 14:12   新浪教育


  One World, One Dream――2008 Olympic Games and Me

  Greetings! I’m Viviane from Jiangsu Province.

  Today let me tell you of my plan to write a book in English for the 2008 Olympics. It’s called “The Five Friend lies at Olympia School”. It’s for kids all over the world! It has three chapters:

  In Chapter One, a football match is held at the school. Whoever wins, everybody laughs. For the kids really learn: Olympics don’t simply mean to win, but how to cooperate!

  Chapter Two tells how the kids make a fair play in a boat named “Friendship”. Now they understand: we all live in one world, and share one dream.

  In Chapter Three, the Olympic flame has finally baptized the five Chinese kids. They promise: in 2008, New Beijing, Great Olympics.

  This is my book. Its kid’s thinking but with all my passion! I present the book to the Olympics.

  World selects China, and China hugs the world!

  Thank you!

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