
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月17日 14:20   新浪教育


  When I was just a two-year-old little girl, my mother began to teach me English. Every time when we walked on the street, she always pointed to the trees, flowers, buildings, cars etc, telling me their both Chinese and English names. She always used three English words to organize a simple English story for me every night before sleep. After that she would let me guess what the story had said. I liked the game very much. One year later, she bought many English DVDs for me. They were cartoon plays, very colorful and interesting. Every morning my mother turned on the DVD at 6:30, the tender music woke me up, a new day began. I listened to the English words while I was having my breakfast. At 7:30 I went to my kindergarten. I continued to learn English in this way for 5 years; therefore my great interest in English has been nursed up.

  I have been studying in a bilingual-language teaching primary school. There are at least 2 English lessons every day. I enjoy my school life very much since I can learn a lot from my teachers. I attend every lesson carefully and follow my teacher in the class since I think it is very important for a student. There are foreign teachers in our school. They bring different ways to teach us. They open another window for us. It makes me have an ever-strong desire to promote my English further.

  Besides, I have found out that watching original English movies and reading original English books are the good ways to learn English. The English language is just like a deep ocean. You can see people use different ways to express themselves. You can learn a lot of historic and cultural backgrounds about the language. Now I have read , , and so on. I have watched the movies , , etc. Those books and movies made me believe the world is colorful, beautiful and changeable. I am determined to learn more English in the future.


  The way I teach my child English

  Nowadays English has become a universal language. To overcome the language barriers is not difficult, if we have a command of English. I often heard that “learn as a child to learn.” So, I think it’s very important for our children to begin learning English earlier.

  Firstly, I gave her the gift—an ignition of a passion for learning English.

  When my daughter was just 14-month old, once I pointed to the sky saying: “moon” to her, I repeated again and again. Then, she could repeat it clearly. This was the first English word she learned. After that I often taught her by naming objects in English, such as: “What’s that?” “That’s a tree.” “What’s this?” “This is a car.” I almost pointed everything we met on the street. The foundations of language were constructed. When she was 3-year old, I bought a lot of English DVDs for her. They were cartoon plays, very colorful with great fun. She liked them very much. She watched those cartoon plays one hour before going to kindergarten every morning. Besides, I set a rule for her: she must be able to recite 3 new English words before going to bed every evening. In order to consolidate what she had already learned, she would seize upon every opportunity to make use of her newly-learned words or phases in her conversation with me or with the people we met in English corner. I would organize a simple English story for her, and let her guess what the story said. She liked the game very much. She has built up her vocabulary and has a strong desire in learning English.

  Don’t worry to make mistakes, try to learn from your mistakes.

  Language has rules, but these rules are not absolute. Sometimes we learn to break them. Usually, a verb in English will have a simple form-I see-and a past form—I saw. But these are many exceptions. A small child will say I run and I run, I go and I go. And this is logical, but wrong. I have to correct her: I ran last night. And I went to school yesterday. Why? I have to say: this is so because it is so. She learned the rules of grammar steadily by this way. I encouraged her: “Practice speaking English everyday. Don’t worry to make mistakes, try to learn from your mistakes.” And we also play with the language.

  Reading the original books is a great help in learning the language.

  She went to school at 6-year old. She learned a lot from school education. There are at least 2 English lessons in her school each day. I have never taught her the textbook; instead, I begin to guide her reading original English books. Reading can enrich our knowledge. Literature is the immortal part of history; it is the best and most enduring part of personality. She has read different kinds of books such as children stories, fares like The Snow White, the Daughter of the Sea, and detective stories, fables and so on. Now she has read Gone with the wind, Jane Eyre, little Women, Hamlet etc. She said reading is much interesting than watching TV. I think this is what I have expected.


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