
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月17日 15:13   新浪教育

  ☆ 赛后感想

  To stand on the podium of the Outlook English Talent Competition is a dream shared by millions of English learners in China. And I’m one of the luckiest ones to have the chance to take part in the 5th annual national final. The preparation job for my speech is a learning experience for me, I really harvest a lot from it. As you know, I got the 7th prize in the final competition and the result is not as good as expected, but I think the it is not so important as I have received the most precious experience from participating in this competition.

  I’ve learned that one must believe in what he or she is doing absolutely, and besides confidence, it is also important to be “nervous”. That is to say, you must be really concentrate on what you are engaged in. (That is probably my losing point). I also learned that the most important thing that lies in our life is to know when to hold fast and when to let go. These are all the things that I’ve received from the competition, and they will certainly guide me in my future way to further achieve myself.

  Besides competition , our friendship have developed and I also got a chance to communicate with the talents coming from every part of China.. Many of the contestants keep in touch with each other and we become good friends after the competition.

  I got to know that there is still some space for me to improve myself in comparison, and I promise that I’ll work even harder in the future.

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