
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月17日 16:00   新浪教育


  Love is in the Air

  If you seek love, you will find that love actually is all around us.

  Only a few months ago was I deeply moved by our loving society. An unfortunate mother received an operation free of charge in Shanghai, and finally got rid of the intolerable pain that had been tormenting her for years. This act of love won a warm applause from the whole society immediately, and more importantly, it also triggered people’s compassion for those in predicaments。

  Love will always be the truest emotion of all. We all want to be loved, but we still all need to spread our love and good wills. Even a simple smile or a helping hand will do. But most importantly, we must always keep in mind that love should not be a rare, one-off action, but the eternal theme. I’m confident that if we each give a little bit of love and care to other people, we will get lots of love in return and create a much better world.

  So let’s go out and feel the love in the air.






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