
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月17日 16:29   新浪教育


  The Foreign Teachers’ Experience in China

  Honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen, here goes my topic “The Foreign Teachers’ Experience in China.”

  Today in China, with more and more attention being paid to learning English, schools and universities are hiring more foreign teachers from all nationalities. These teachers come from afar to spend a part of their life in China. Usually they earn less than they did in their home countries. They are far away from home, families and friends. They often live in conditions much different than ever experienced before. Then, what are they coming for?

  “For the experience.” This is the answer of most foreign teachers. To experience the people, the culture, and education in China. Unlike traveling for pleasure, foreign teachers have more time to delve deeply into Chinese society and culture. They meet the real people of China like their students and colleagues. They enjoy more than just the visual sight. They experience the heartbeat of China.

  Instead of being a stranger, foreign teachers participate as a family member in many social activities both formal and informal. This way soon they see that “there is no right or wrong, we are only different culturally.”

  Most importantly, they experience education in China. Through teaching, foreign teachers realize that there are quite a few differences between Chinese education and foreign education systems. This combining of the two systems then becomes both a learning and teaching experience and a win-win situation for all concerned.

  Foreign teachers generally spend one, two, or more years experiencing China, a diverse country. When you look around, it is surprisingly pleasant to see more and more foreign teachers enjoying their life in China, while making contributions to our society.

  As John Keats so eloquently put it, “Nothing ever becomes real till it is experienced.” So ladies and gentlemen, please join me in welcoming foreign teachers to experience China, the great country!

  Thank you!

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