
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月17日 16:35   新浪教育


  Has Our Generation Been Westernized

  To Chinese teenagers, learning English is very important. Listening to English music and watching American movies are common things in our daily lives. What’s more, Adidas sports wear and iPod players are popular on campus. So many people are concerned about this: has our generation been westernized?

  Well, there’s no doubt that we teenagers in China today share some common interests with teenagers in western countries. We learn their language and accept some of the values which reflect on their language. So sometimes our parents have trouble understanding us. And my grandpa often complained that I only enjoy listening to English songs not Peking Opera, which is his favorite. But have we really been westernized?

  Partly, I think. We’ve now learned to be more confident and more open to others, to take challenges, to pursue what we want and to share team spirit. I don’t think “being westernized” is a bad thing. Traditions are important, but that does not mean we have to remain the same generation after generation. We need to improve ourselves by learning from others. There’s a famous saying in Chinese,“Among the three persons walking, there must be a teacher of mine.”I believe we can take the knowledge of other cultures and still maintain our more valuable traditions. You know, while we are being westernized, other parts of the world are being easternized!

  Now I sometimes listen to Peking Opera with my grandpa. And you know what, my grandpa, who is nearly 90 years old , has started learning English!







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