
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月17日 16:37   新浪教育


  The meaning of life

  My favourite film is Brave Heart. When I first watched it, I was too young to remember the story. However, there were still some lines that I’ll always bear in mind—every man dies, not every man really lives.

  What exactly is the meaning of life? For centuries, people have been pondering over this issue. Just as Hamlet said: “To be or not to be, that’s a question.” As for Van Gogh, the sole meaning of his being was to paint and paint and paint. On the other hand, William Wallace—the hero in Brave Heart—chose freedom above life. But I got to understand more of the meaning of life via a story of an ordinary couple.

  In the summer of 1998, the most disastrous flood of several decades struck China. In a small town, a couple were caught in the flood and unfortunately neither of them could swim. In the torrent, they desperately got hold of a tree, which was actually their only chance to survive. However the tree was too young to support both of them. At this pressing moment, the wife looked at her husband calmly, saying: “Take care of yourself, darling, for the sake of the children.” Without saying anything more, she let go of the tree, disappearing in the torrent.

  The husband was in such sorrow that he himself even wanted to go with his dear wife. But he was stopped by his senses—he was the headmaster of a primary school with so many lovely children waiting for him.

  Both of them were just as ordinary and simple as we are. But they have really taught me with their choices in time of danger that the meaning of life is responsibility.







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