
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月17日 16:44   新浪教育


  The Power Of Belief

  Belief is something that we hold on to life. It represents itself in so many ways: sometimes confidence, sometimes courage and it can mean the support of keeping on living.

  There is a story about belief. One day, 3 farmers were working in a cave as usual. And all of a sudden, an unexpected earthquake hit the area. The farmer near the door was able to run out of the cave quickly, then came the second farmer. But just when the third man could reach the door, a big block of stone fell, and the only door towards hope was shut. At the edge of death, the farmer held tightly to the belief that he could survive. Because he thought the first two farmers have got out successfully, and the ambulance would soon come. So with little air around and the impossible chance to live, the man amazingly made himself saved by the ambulance which came after a whole day. Actually what the strongly–determined farmer did know is he could survive, what he did not know is though the first 2 farmers got out of the cave, they’re trapped in the passage and died after a short time as there is not enough air around and little chance to go living.

  So the survival of the third farmer itself is really a miracle. And what makes this miracle is the power of belief. So, sometimes what we’ll meet is a grand new start, what we lack is a bit of attitude towards life, like belief.

  Belief is not the absence of fear, it is rather the judgment that something is more important than fear. The belief may not live forever but the caution does not live at all.

  Belief is the thing which light up your world in the darkest night. Belief is the thing which leads you to bright when all hope is gone. Belief is the thing whit which you can find true meaning of life.

  So, for the same belief we get together, and in the power of belief we see life flourish grandly in the sunshine!

  Thank you ladies and gentlemen.







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