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2008年01月24日 11:02 沪江英语
![]() 帅气的希斯·莱杰
Actor Heath Ledger was found dead at a Manhattan apartment Tuesday afternoon in what appeared to be a possible drug-related death; he was 28. The actor was discovered in one of the SoHo apartment's bedrooms at 3:31 p.m., when a ①masseuse arrived for a scheduled appointment and the residence's housekeeper went to inform the actor of the masseuse's arrival. He was found unconscious and unresponsive; the New York Times at first stated that the apartment ②in question belonged to actress Mary-Kate Olsen, but a publicist for the actress later said that Olsen did not own a unit in the building in which Ledger was found. An initial police report also cited by the New York Times said that ③foul play was not suspected and that pills had been found near Ledger's body. 男星希斯·莱杰于周二下午被发现暴毙于曼哈顿寓中,有迹象表明可能死于吸毒,他现年28岁。当天下午3点31分,管家前去通知莱杰①女按摩师如约而至,才在SOHO城的卧室发现了他。莱杰被发现时已经不省人事。《纽约时报》曾报道②上述住宅是属于玛丽-凯特·奥尔森的,而这位女演员的发言人时候表示奥尔森在事发的大楼里并不拥有任何单元。《纽约时报》亦引用了最初的警方报告,指出③谋杀的可能性已被排除,此外在死者周围发现了一些药片。 A native of Australia, Ledger shot to fame as a teen heartthrob in 10 Things I Hate About You before graduating to more adult roles, most notably his Oscar-nominated turn in Brokeback Mountain. Engaged at one time to Brokeback co-star Michelle Williams, the two had a daughter but had split in recent months. Earlier this year, Ledger ④wrapped filming on the Batman film The Dark Knight, in which he played The Joker; the film is currently set for release this summer. Further details of the actor's death were not available at press time. 希斯·莱杰是土生土长的澳大利亚人,他在《对面恶女看过来》中一鸣惊人成为少女杀手,继而接手演绎了更多的成年人角色,并终因《断背山》中的角色而得到了奥斯卡提名名噪一时。他曾与“断背”中的女演员蜜雪儿·威廉丝订婚并有一女,但几个月前两人分手。年初莱杰刚刚④完成蝙蝠侠电影《黑暗骑士》的拍摄,他在其中出演小丑一角;该片现已完成待今夏公映。直到报道截止时,尚无关于这位演员死亡的更多细节。 【NOTES】 ①masseuse:女按摩师,男的是massager。 ②in question:上述的…不过也有怀疑的意思 ③foul play:原意是“犯规”,引申为谋杀。 ④wrap:其实是Wind, Reel And Print的首字母缩写。最早是导演用来表示作为一部电影拍摄完成的信号,但在上世纪20年代后则表示电影完成了前期拍摄就待后期制作了。中文里面相应的,应该是“杀青”。
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