
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年02月18日 14:02   中国日报网站

  13. to move onward and upward:to be promoted; from good to better situation(情况得以改善,或往更好的情況发展)

  He hopes to move onward and upward with his current company. (他希望能在现在就职的公司里顺利发展,步步高升。)

  Many young couples try to move onward and upward during their marriage. (许多年轻夫妇都希望能够婚姻美满幸福。)

  14. to call a spade a spade: to be honest, blunt or frank(直言不讳,有啥说啥)

  My wife always calls a spade a spade about her work situation. (我妻子对别人谈起她的工作时,总是直言不讳。)

  Calling a spade a spade on foreign affairs sometimes seems difficult for diplomats. (外交官在处理外交事务的时候很难做到直言不讳。)

  15. to play cat and mouse:to play games with aggressive and passive attitude(玩猫戏老鼠的把戏,欲擒故纵)

  In business negotiations, there are always cat-and-mouse games. (在商业谈判中,常会有一些猫戏老鼠的把戏。)

  The police have played cat and mouse with the murderer. (警察对凶犯采用的是欲擒故纵的策略。)

  16. to go on the dole:(of the unemployed) to live on public welfare(失业人员依靠政府救济金生活。)

  Thousands of Americans are out of jobs and may go on the dole. (美国成千上万的失业者靠领取政局救济金生活。)

  Some people have gone on the dole for years. (有些人多年来就是靠政府救济生活的。)

  17. to be in the hot seat:to be under lots of pressure or in a difficult position(处于困境,面对很多压力)

  He has resigned from his job because he has been in the hot seat for years. (由于不堪多年的工作压力,他终于辞职了。)

  When testifies before Congress, he will be in the hot seat. (在国会作证的时候,他将面临巨大的压力。)

  18. to make waves:to make trouble(惹是生非,与“rock the boat”意思相近)

  Many politicians like to make waves in order to be kept in the media. (许多政客为了能在媒体上路脸儿而不惜哗众取宠。)

  Teenagers tend to make waves with their parents and teachers. (一些青少年总是会给父母和老师惹麻烦。)

  19. to keep (one's) nose clean:to keep away from trouble(远离是非,少惹麻烦)

  The newly released inmates are trying to keep their noses clean. (刚刚获释的犯人总是尽量少惹是非。)

  A law-abiding person needs to keep his (her) nose clean. (奉公守法的人应该避免制造麻烦。)

  20. to drive (someone) up the wall:to annoy or upset someone(惹人生气或者不高兴)

  The boy is driving his mother up the wall because of his ill behavior. (这个不听话的孩子让他妈妈大为头痛。)

  If you ask too many questions, you may drive your boss up the wall. (假如你的问题太多也会让你的老板很反感。)

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