
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年02月29日 18:25   新东方

  There is no doubt whoever obtained these photos have them uploaded on the Internet with malicious and deliberate intent. This matter has deteriorated to theextent that society as a whole has been affected by this. In this regard, I am deeply saddened. I would like now to apologize to all the people for all the suffering that has been caused and the problems that have arisen from this. I would like to apologize to all the ladies and to all their families for any harm or hurt that they have been feeling. I am sorry. I would like to also apologize to my mother and my father for the pain and suffering I have caused them

  during the past few weeks. Most importantly, I would like to say sorry to all the people of Hong Kong . I give my apology sincerely to you all, unreservedly and with my heart.


  upload = up + load vt.上传(图片, 文件等)

  download = down + load vt.下载(图片,文件等)

  单词组记: mal-=bad坏

  malice = mal + ice(冰) n.恶意;【律】预谋, 蓄意 [助记]在路上放一块冰,想让陈冠希


  malicious= malice(恶意) + ious(形容词) a.恶意的

  mal-function n.功能紊乱

  mal-nutrition n.营养不良

  maltreat = mal + treat(对待) vt.虐待

  单词组记: libra天平, deliberate, liberate, liberty, libertine, libido


  deliberate = de(强调) + libera(=libra) + ate a. 深思熟虑的, 故意的 [助记] 把你的想法放在天平上称量,引申为深思熟虑的,深思熟虑的结果当然是故意的

  liberate = liber (自由=libera)+ ate vt.解放(让人民获得自由)


  天平的主要作用就是要让两边重量相等,平等。解放全人类不就是让人民平等吗?人民解放军PLA:People’s Liberation Army liberation的职责就是解放全中国让中国人民平等自由

  liberty n.自由

  libertine这个单词叫"浪荡子",原来就是“特别自由的人”的意思,” 挺(tin)自由(liber)的”


  单词组记:deteriorate,interior, exterior, territory

  deteriorate = de(down) + terior(土地) +ate(动词) v.使恶化; 败坏(风俗); 使变坏(品质等) [助记] 品格败坏的人就应该入土活埋。

  interior = in(into) + terior(土地) a.内部的,国内的

  interior design 室内设计专业

  exterior = ex (out)+ terior(土地) a.外部的,国外的

  territory = territ(=terior)+ ory(地方) n.版图,疆土

  to the extent 到了….程度

  in this regard 在这一点上 = in this case

  单词组记: 神奇的-en可以把形容词名词变为你想要的动词

  sadden = sad + d + en vt.使人悲哀

  strengthen = strength(strong的名词) + en vt.加强(力量)

  weaken = weak + en vt.削弱

  lengthen = length(long的名词) + en vt.延长

  shorten = short + en vt.缩短

  tighten = tight + en vt.拉紧

  loosen = loose + en vt.放松


  enlighten= en + light + en vt.启蒙;(用思想)照亮

  intent n.意图,打算

  unreservedly = un + reserved(保留的) + ly(副词) adv.毫无保留地

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