
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年03月07日 10:13   昂立英语

  Passage 1:

  French are elegant people.(此话非常概括,是“帅才”,所以会统领一只队伍) They are artists in everyday life, having a very good taste in everything. They don’t like American tourists wearing jeans to go into their luxurious and exquisite five-star restaurants, so one of the restaurants put a notice outside its front door. It read ‘No trousers, please!’(读完了,感觉是个很具体的例子,对吗?)

  A gourmet coffee was sold in Tokyo as an antidote to stress. Its name supposedly meant to people that it would soothe the troubled breast, yet when it was printed in English, it turned out to be ‘Ease Your Bosoms.’(又是一个例子,我们开始揣摩:作者要说什么呢?)

  Swedes started a promotion stunt to promote the sales of their vacuum cleaner named Electro. Their original ad slogan was translated as ‘Nothing sucks like Electro.’(又一个例子!意图何在?)

  The selling of Chevrolet was very bad in South America. And the reason? The translation of this brand sounds like ‘no va’—which means ‘It doesn’t go’ in Spanish.(还是例子!!为什么呀?)

  When Pepsi-cola invaded the huge Chinese and German markets, the efforts initially fizzled. The product’s slogan, ‘Come alive with the Pepsi generation’, was rendered into German as ‘come out of the grave with Pepsi’. Coca-Cola also discovered something had gone wrong in Taiwan. The Chinese characters chosen for the world-famous product sound like its name means ‘Bite the Wax Tadpole.’(依然是例子!!!肯定要说明某个道理,那这个道理是什么呢?)

  A pliers company’s slogan ‘Turn it loose’ became, in Spanish, equivalent to ‘suffer from diarrhea.’ A company translated its sticky tape slogan into Japanese and came up with a sticky problem. The slogan ‘Sticks like crazy’ became literally ‘it sticks foolishly’ in Japanese.(更多的例子!如果没有目的,那是不可能的!)

  A tonic product in China is made of royal jelly and is supposed to be very effective for some chronic diseases. Yet it was translated as ‘oral liquid’, which means ‘saliva’ in English. In the brochure, it was described in this way: ‘it tastes like medicine’, when the language in the original meant to use it as a food therapy.(例子!!)

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