
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年03月10日 10:16   新浪教育



  Redheads may actually have another trait that makes them stand out--sensitivity to pain, specialists reported.


  People with natural red hair need about 20 percent more anesthesia than people with other hair colors, they told a meeting of anesthesiologists. The unexpected finding not only suggests that redheads are more sensitive to pain, but offers insights into how anesthesia works in people.


  "Red hair is the first visible human trait, or phenotype, that is linked to anesthetic requirement," Dr. Edwin Liem of the University of Louisville in Kentucky said in a statement. "In a nutshell(简单地说,简而言之), redheads are likely to experience more pain from a given stimulus and therefore require more anesthesia to alleviate that pain." Liem said the finding is important news for specialists who monitor patients during surgery. "The art and science of anesthesiology is choosing the right dose," he said. "There is very little difference between the effective dose and the toxic dose of most anesthetics. Patients can awaken during surgery if they are given insufficient anesthesia or suffer cardiac and pulmonary complications when they are given too much."


  Scientists do not fully understand how anesthesia works, but the findings offers clues, as people with red hair have a certain genetic variant.



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