
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年03月17日 14:23   昂立英语

  第15讲 意思的有效、精美传输:

  1.有些人认为国际体育赛事可以在国与国之间营造友好关系,认为如果各国在一起进行比赛,他们将学会和睦共处。(Some people believe that international sport creates goodwill between the nations and that if countries play games together, they will learn to live together.)

  2.其他人持相反的观点,认为国际间的对抗赛促生虚假的国家荣誉感,导致误解和仇恨。(Others say that the opposite is true: that international contests encourage false national pride and lead to misunderstanding and hatred.)

  3.两种观点可能都有其道理,但是近年来,奥林匹克运动会的实际情况却并没有对认为体育运动促进国际间兄弟般友谊的观点形成多少支持。(There is probably some truth in both arguments, but in recent years, the Olympic games have done little to support the view that sports encourages international brotherhood.)

  4.在大班学习效果好还是小班学习效果好的问题上人们会有不同的看法:有的认为小班好,也有的认为大班好,而我则认为大班和小班各有可褒及可贬之处。(People’s views on the size of a class vary. While some people hold that a small class is better for learning, there are others who argue that a big one prevails. On a personal note, I am convinced that each size of classes has its merits and demerits.)

  5.其次,学生人数少,任课教师容易掌控。人太多时,教师会感到无所适从,因为要掌控整个局面本身就不是一件简单的事情。(Also, with fewer students, the teacher would find it much easier to manipulate the class, that is, to have the whole class under complete control. If there are too many students, the teacher would be at a loss as to what to do in that controlling the situation itself would be challenging enough.)

  6.另外,学生人数少,可以与教师形成互动,教师从而也可以对学生实行针对性的指导。 (Besides, in a small class, the students could have more interactive activities with the teacher and the teacher can give each student whatever instructions or help that he or she needs.)

  7.事实证明,小班容易形成倦怠和枯燥,所以,也会对学生的学习带来不利。(In fact, as researches show, a small class is more likely to give rise to tiredness and boredom, which hinders learning.)


幽默,能够调动班级气氛,能够抓住学生注意力,那受益的自然是学生。(However, this is not the case for a big class. A big class presents higher pressure on the teacher, thus compelling him or her to be more energetic and more humorous so as to create a more lively learning atmosphere and, therefore, having the students’ attention. Who will benefit from all these? The students! Of course!)

  9.另外,在一个大班里,学生彼此之间会结识更多的朋友,因为他们有了更大的选择余地。(Moreover, in a big class, the students could get to know more people, thereby making more friends as they have more choices.)

  10.结交朋友本身就是件有意义的事情,因为这可以使学生们更加喜欢自己的班级,而这种状况从长远角度讲肯定是有利于学习成效的。(Making friends itself is meaningful in that it makes the class a more attractive place and in the long run, it makes for students’ learning.)

  11.另外一方面,我们应该承认:班小、班大绝对没有老师来得关键。On the other hand, we must acknowledge that no matter how small or big a class is, it is simply not that important as the teacher.)

  12.相反,如果老师好,哪怕有一千名学生,也照样可以保证老师讲得起劲,学生听得有滋味,学习的效果也就不言自喻了。(Quite the opposite, if the teacher is good, then no matter how many students there are in one class, say, 1,000 of them, the teacher would still be able to teach enthusiastically and the students listen enjoyably, and the learning effect would be beyond any doubt.)

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