2008年04月09日 16:40 新浪教育
British workers are being given bigger job titles rather than bigger salaries as cash-strapped companies try to keep employees happy, according to a newly published survey. Examples of the phenomenon dubbed "up-titling" include a receptionist rebranded as "Head of Verbal Telecommunications" and a window cleaner given the impressive designation of "Optical Illuminator Enhancer." 根据新公布的调查结果,现金匮乏的英国公司正在用更大的头衔而不是更多的薪水来取悦员工。这种现象被称为“拔高头衔”,比如把接待员改名为“口头电讯主管”以及授予窗户清洁工“光照加强员”这一令人印象深刻的称谓。 "The research demonstrates how motivational it can be to gain a prestigious job title," said Paul Rapacioli, director of employment agency Reed's Internet service, which carried out the survey. He said companies were using the fancy titles as an incentive to retain staff rather than pay them more at a time of economic uncertainty. 调查是由职业介绍所里兹网络服务公司主持的,该公司主管保罗·拉帕西奥利说:“这次调查表明得到一个令人尊敬的头衔会产生多大的鼓舞作用。”他说,在目前经济形势难以预料的状况下,公司正在以希奇古怪的头衔作为奖励来挽留员工,而不是付给他们更多的钱。 Businesses seeking "Stock Replenishment Executives" were actually looking for shelf stackers and successful candidates for a post as "Technical Sanitation Assistant" would find themselves cleaning washrooms. "Up-titling" seems to have won converts. 征募“库存补给主管”的公司实际上是在招货物堆码工,而成功获得“技术卫生助理”一职的应聘者会发现自己在从事扫厕所的工作。看起来,“拔高头衔”颇得人心。 Of the 1,700 workers Reed surveyed, around half thought a better job title would make them happier even if there was no change in what they actually did. "People view a grander title as recognition of their contribution to the organization and feel more committed as a result," Rapacioli said. 里兹公司接受调查的1,700个职员当中,大约有一半认为更漂亮的头衔会使他们更加满意,即使他们的实际工作并无改变。拉帕西奥利说:“人们把更大的头衔看作是对自己为集体所作贡献的肯定,并因此变得更有责任感。”
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