趣味英语:一“字”之差 谬以千里(图)

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年04月23日 09:58   新浪教育

on the cloud与in the cloud意思相去甚远哦

  英文里的介词有时会让我们感觉很混乱,它们在句子里虽然不显眼,但是作用却很关键,用错一个介词意思可能会完全不同。今天我们就来看看on a cloud, under a cloud 以及in the clouds的意思有多大的差别。

  1 on a cloud

  On a cloud是很高兴的意思,高兴得走路轻飘飘,好像腾云驾雾一样。

  例如:I've been on a cloud all day long--I heard this morning that I got an A on my final biochemistry exam.


  又如:My wife has been on a cloud since I told her the other day I would spend my year-end bonus at the office to take us to Hawaii to celebrate our twentieth wedding anniversary. And to tell you the truth, I'm really looking forward to it myself.


  2 under a cloud

  任何人under a cloud是绝不会高兴的,因为他不是丢尽了面子,就是被怀疑做了什么坏事。Under a cloud是丢面子、被怀疑的意思。


  The judge had to let him go because there wasn't enough evidence against him. But he's going around under a cloud because most people think he's guilty.


  又如:See that man sitting at the table by himself? He's supposed to be a very smart lawyer, but he's been under a cloud ever since he was mixed up in a scandal involving a company that was run by a mobster.


  3 in the clouds

  我们每个人恐怕都有白日做梦的时候。有的时候,我们一边走路,一边在想心事,或者是一边做什么事,一边在想其他事情,身边发生什么事全然没有注意到。美国人把这叫做:in the clouds。In the clouds可以解释为:心不在焉,思想开小差。

  例如:Sally is my best friend but she walked right past me today, and didn't even say hello. Her head certainly was in the clouds--she looked like her mind was a thousand miles away.


  又如:I was really embarrassed--the teacher asked me a question and I didn't even hear him; I was daydreaming and my head was in the clouds.



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