
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年05月07日 09:18   新浪教育

  On the way to the examination room the next morning. I knew without quesition that my luck had run out when I met Jack, who sat next to me. He had not taken a single note all semester; he had not even gone through the motions of "flipping" the textbook pages. When I asked why he wasn't nervous, he answered, "This is the semester for Examination Set #4, the one dealing with dates, names of pharaohs, dynasties, battles, and so forth."


  "What's Examination Set #4?"


  Everybody on campus except me, I guess, knew that old "King Tut" had five sets of examinations (ten questions in every set), which he rotated over a five-year period.


  Though "King Tut" collected the mimeographed questions from each student, he did not reckon with the organizing ability of fraternity students. The plan worked like this: Specific students were given the mission to memorize question #1, another group to memorize #2, and so forth. When the students left the examination room, they jotted down these questions quickly from memory and put them into the fraternity hopper. In this clever way all five sets of the examination found their way into the files of numerous students.


  I knew then that even Osiris and Ra, put together, couldn't help me. I had studied relationships.


  The room was hot, yet others complained of the cold. My mind reeled. I knew my luck had run out. Dimly, as the examination sheets were passed up each row, I heard successive moans of various kinds: "Oh, No!" "No!" and occasional uncontrolled, almost hysterical laughter. I thought that perhaps the professor had by mistake given out Exam #5 instead of the anticipated #4.


  By the time the sheets reached me (I always sat in the rear corner of the room where it was quieter) I, too, involuntarily gasped, "Oh! It can't be." I colsed my eyes and waited for my vision to clear so that I could read the ten questions. They were the same ten questions that I had made up only yesterday--not in the same order, but nevertheless, the same ten questions. How could that be? One chance in a million, I'm sure. How lucky can one get? I recovered my composure and wrote and wrote and wrote.


  "Old Tut" gave me a 100 plus. He penned a note saying, "Thank goodness for one good scholar in all my years of teaching." But he didn't know the long line of luck that I had, and I never told him.


  Now that twenty years have passed, I think that it is safe to reveal that here is one fellow who got his B.A. just by sheer luck.



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