
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年05月13日 11:11   新浪教育


  出场人物:丁衡祁,对外经济贸易大学商务英语系教授,2002 年退休后被对外经济贸易大学卓越国际学院聘为英语教学研究中心主任。曾任对外经济贸易大学研究生部主任兼师资培训中心主任。曾被派往中国驻美国旧金山总领事馆任商务领事。曾在中央电视台主讲英语教学节目《夺魁》(Bid for Power)。现为中国翻译协会理事,《中国翻译》杂志编委,中国译协对外传播委员会成员,全国翻译专业资格考试英语专家委员会委员,中国日报网站英语点津“翻译擂台赛”特约专家,中国对外翻译出版公司专家顾问委员会委员,中国进出口银行英文译审。



  例一:Showing off Manly Beauty on T-stage (Shanghai Star September 6, 2004)

  On Nov 28th in 1999, the PARK97 bar located in Fuxing Park set up the T-Stage and covered the red carpet on it. The foreign and domestic models walked on it, combining the tradition and future; art and fashion at ease.

  例二:A model descents in the air along a vertical T-stage in a "Fashion Show in the Air" held on the bank of Taiping Lake in Shanghai, east China, Oct. 23, 2004. (Xinhua photo/Dong Hongjing)

  例三:People's Daily Online--Fashion Week Turns Into Feast for the Eyes: At the biannual China Fashion Week, the models paraded along the T-stage brimming with energy, passion and a wild nature, which made them even more sexy and seductive.

  从以上的例子中可以看出,作者想当然地认为“T型台”的英语说法就是 T-stage,而没有意识到这种说法有可能是错误的。我们在翻译这类词语时,应该具有一种意识:既然两种文化中共有同一概念或事物,那么在两种文字中必然会得到体现,而译者的责任就是要找到两种文字中对同一概念或事物的对应说法,在翻译时养成这种查证的习惯非常重要,它可以使我们避免许多不该出现的错误。

  人们大都知道 catwalk 是“走猫步”的意思,并不知道该词也有“T型台”的意思,请看 WordNet Dictionary 对 catwalk 的定义:

  catwalk:the long, narrow stage that models walk along in a fashion show.


  catwalk: narrow platform; "Models displayed clothes on a catwalk at the fashion show".

  catwalk: a narrow platform extending from the stage into the audience in a theater or nightclub etc.

  实际上,catwalk 还有一个意思是指建筑上悬在高空的狭窄过道(a narrow path, raised above the ground, often built for workers to walk on outside a building that is being built or repaired),这大概就是为什么用 catwalk 来表示时装表演的舞台的缘故吧。

  时装模特表演的舞台有时也未必都是T型,还包括L型或直线型,除了catwalk的说法之外,runaway ( 机场跑道) 和ramp (


  请看 WordNet Dictionary 对 runway 的定义:

  runway: this is the place where you walk when you're giving a live fashion presentation. It is also referred to as a catwalk or ramp and is always elevated above the crowd. A runway can be shaped like a "T", an "L" or a straight line.

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