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2008年05月26日 13:48 新浪教育
![]() 亲吻时多半人头偏向右侧
When you kiss your sweetheart you may well turn your head to the right, echoing a preference born in the womb, a researcher suggests. 一位研究人员指出,你在亲吻爱人时多半会把头转向右侧,这是一种胎儿期偏好的影响。 Onur Guentuerkuen of Ruhr University in Bochum, Germany, reports that he spied on 124 pairs of adults who turned their head left or right while kissing on the lips in public places in Germany, Turkey and the United States. Two-thirds of the kissers went to the right, he found. 德国鲁尔大学波鸿分校的奥纳利·昆图尔肯报告说,他在德国、 土耳其和美国的公共场所窥视了124对成年情侣,看他们在亲嘴时头会偏向左边还是右边,结果发现其中2/3的人会将头向右偏。Prior research has found that babies also tend to turn their heads to the right rather than the left during their final weeks of gestation and for the first six months after birth, Guentuerkuen says in the journal Nature. 昆图尔肯在《自然》杂志上说,此前的研究表明胎儿在妊娠的最后几周以及刚出生的半年中也倾向于把头靠向右边而不是左边。 So the results on kissing show that early head-turning bias may affect behavior in adulthoods. People also prefer to use the right foot, ear and eye by about two-to-one, suggesting those behavioral biases may be related, he said. 因此,对亲吻的调查结果说明早期的头部转向偏好可能影响到了成人期的行为。他说,人们也更喜欢用右脚、右耳和右眼,使用它们的机会差不多比用左耳和左眼多一倍。这说明上述行为偏好可能也与此相关。 But right-handedness dominates the population far more, about eight-to-one, so that's either not related or it's affected by cultural influence. 不过,惯用右手的人在人群中的优势却要大得多,他们与左撇子的比例大约是8:1.由此可见,左右手偏好要么与前述偏好没有关联,要么就是受到文化的影响。 The researcher watched kissing couples in airports, railroad stations, beaches and kissing couples in airports, railroad stations, beaches and parks. He estimated their ages at around 13 to around 70. 昆图尔肯在机场、火车站、沙滩以及公园里观察情侣们亲吻,他估计这些人的年龄在13岁到70岁之间。
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