
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年05月29日 15:57   新浪教育

  In the Internet Age, heroism need not be on location. At Google China, where I work, one team worked all night and built a "lost loved one" search to accurately find information about missing people in Sichuan. Another team put together a satellite image map to help the rescue effort, and to connect supply donors with rescue areas in need. Finally, a team made sure that when a user searched for "earthquake donations" or similar words, he or she could complete a donation in as little as one minute. Almost $1 million was donated in one week.



  These are the heroes among us, whether they use an SUV, a shovel, a phone or a keyboard. Their heroic deeds and selflessness inspired me so deeply that I can recall only one other such occasion. It was 9/11 - I vividly remember the NYPD police officers, the firefighters, and of course the passengers and crew on United Flight 93.


  As a Chinese American, I hope that the Chinese and the Americans will see that they have so much in common - their compassion, courage, ingenuity, generosity and grace. Amid recent differences between China and America, I hope that people will see that these heroic commonalities are much stronger than any differences, and will bind the two great peoples together. And I hope that these heroes from 9/11 and 5/12 will inspire all of us to turn our anxiety into courage, our misery into tenacity, and our sorrow into love.



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