
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年06月23日 16:27   新浪教育


  If you have ever been attracted by a person's scent, it may be their genes you smell. Researchers believe that women can identify men based on differences as small as a single gene.


  In the most recent issue of Nature Genetics scientists look at the link between women's preference for the odors men give off and a group of genes called the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC)--which are an important part of the body's immune response.


  A group of 49 women were asked to smell 10 boxes which contained pieces of T-shirts that had either been worn by men or contained a familiar household odor such as bleach or clove.


  The men who had worn the T-shirts were selected based on their MHC genes, and were told to sleep in the shirt for two consecutive nights while avoiding other scents entirely, such as colognes and even contact with other people.



  The women were then asked to rate each scent based on their familiarity, intensity, pleasantness, and spiciness, as well as choose the one odor which they would choose if they had to smell it all the time.


  "A clear pattern emerged," said Dr. Carole Ober, co-author of the study and a geneticist at the University of Chicago. "The women did not choose scents of men with genes totally similar to their own, or totally dissimilar to their own. They chose men with an intermediate level of difference."

  “一种清晰的分类模式出现了,”该项研究的合作者,芝加哥大学的遗传学家Carole Ober博士说。他说:“受试女士没有选择基因完全与自己相似或相异男人的气味,而是选择了有适度差别的男人气味。”

  "The real surprising thing is that there was something special about paternally from one's father inherited genes," said Wayne Potts, an expert in the area of MHC research at the University of Utah.

  犹他大学专门研究MHC的专家Wayne Potts说:“真正令人惊奇的是该研究结果与父系遗传基因有特殊关系。”

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