2008年07月02日 10:19 英语周报大学版
Marathon hopeful, 101-year-old, training hard LONDON (Reuters) — Already Britain’s oldest employee, 101-year-old Buster Martin now aims to become the world’s oldest marathon runner by completing the London Marathon and celebrating with a pint of beer and a cigarette. Sprightly and bearded, he completed a half marathon at the weekend in 5 hours 13 minutes. The former Army physical training instructor works three days a week for a London plumbing firm and says he has trained for the April 13th race in his spare time. “I’ve said I’ll attempt it,” he told Reuters by telephone from his workplace at Pimlico Plumbers. “I haven’t said I’ll complete it. If I do make it, all the better. I hadn’t thought of doing it before, but someone asked me and the money goes to charity, so why not?” His sponsorship money will go to the Rhys Daniels Trust, which provides temporary accommodation for families of patients in specialist children’s hospitals. Martin, who had 17 children and returned to work at the age of 99 saying he was bored after two years of retirement, would beat the previous record for world’s oldest marathon runner by eight years. “If I finish, I’ll do what I always do and have a pint and a fag,” he said. “People ask what is my secret but I haven’t got one. They say fags and booze are bad for you — but I’m still here, aren’t I?” 参考译文: 伦敦(路透社)消息:英国年纪最大的雇员、现年101岁的巴斯特•马丁为了成为世界上年龄最大的马拉¬松参赛选手,计划跑完今年的伦敦马拉¬松赛。届时,他会以一品脱的啤酒和一支香烟来庆祝。 蓄着大胡子的马丁精神矍铄,精力充沛。上个周末,他以5小时13分的时间跑完了半程马拉¬松赛。 马丁以前是军队的体能训练指导,现在伦敦一家管道公司工作,每周上班三天。他说他已在利用业余时间备战4月13日的比赛。 马丁在他上班的皮姆利科管道公司通过电话接受了路透社的采访。他告诉记者说:“我说过我会尝试,但我没有说过我会跑完全程。如果真的跑完了全程,那最好不过了。我以前并没有想过要参加比赛,可是有人邀请我参加并答应给慈善机构捐赠赞助费,既然这样,为什么不呢?” 赞助费将会捐给里斯•丹尼尔斯信托基金会,该基金会专门为儿童专科医院的病人家属提供短期膳宿。 马丁有17个孩子,他说他在退休两年后觉得很无聊,所以在99岁时又找了一份工作。他将挑战世界上年龄最大的马拉¬松选手的历史纪录,目前的纪录是一位93岁的老人创造的。 他说:“如果我跑完了全程,我会像往常一样,喝一品脱啤酒抽一支烟。人们问我长寿的秘诀,我没什么秘诀。大家都说抽烟喝酒有害健康,可我却活得好好的,不是吗?”
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