

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年07月03日 16:09   新浪教育


  Would you go to the supermarket, darling," my wife asks, "and get some butter? Nothing special; just for baking." A short time later, I'm standing at the butter section and am reminded of the story of the hungry donkey standing in front of two piles of hay. It looks from one to the other, but cannot decide which pile to eat first. The donkey finds it so hard to choose that it drops dead from hunger before touching the food.


  So here I am, like the donkey, trying to choose between low-fat butter, sweet butter, mildly sour butter, easy-to-spread butter, original Irish butter and butter with herbs.


  Time is money, and I'm spending my valuable time deciding between the cheap, low-fat kind and the best quality, fresh organic butter for three times the price. I finally decide to get the low-price, low-fat butter--which, my wife later explains, is not the best for baking a cake.



  The last time I bought butter was sometime in the early 1980s. Shopping was certainly simpler back then. You could buy what you wanted from a small selection. Today, consumers are faced with dozens of products that look more or less the same.


  In his provocative book The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less, Barry Schwartz describes some of the offerings in a mid-sized American supermarket. He counts 95 different kinds of snacks; 61 varieties of suntan oil and sunblock; and 80 different painkillers. There are 40 kinds of toothpaste, 150 lipsticks and 90 colours of nail polish, as well as 116 kinds of skin cream, and 360 types of shampoo and other hair-care products.



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