

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年07月07日 10:17   新浪教育

  3 No sugar for me!


  Fiona: She's great, isn't she?

  Alan: Maggie Smith? Yeah, but the plot's a bit thin.

  Fiona: Come on, Alan! It's a girl's film. We don't need everything action-packed(情节复杂的).

  Alan: I see. That's why it's sending me to sleep.

  Fiona: Go and put the kettle on(用水壶烧水), then!

  Alan: Okey-dokey.

  Fiona: And don't expect me to fill you in afterwards.

  Alan: I won't. Shall I bring you a Kleenex in case you need to cry later?

  Fiona: Ha,Ha!


  1 Maggie Smith玛吉-史密斯是著名的英国女星。

  2 We say "the plot is a bit thin" to mean that there isn't much of a story情节单薄。

  3 Fiona说"Come on!"就是为了显示她不赞同Alan的观点。

  4 "go and"+verb,这种搭配只用于非正式场合,意为to tell someone to do something.

  5 "Okey-dokey"是"OK"的另一种形式。

  6 "To fill someone in" means to bring him or her up to date on something.

  7 A "Kleenex" is a paper tissue卫生纸.

  4 Unplug(拔去......的电源插头) everything


  Mike: I'm going to hit the hay. You?

  Tony: I'll probably stay up and watch the rest.

  Mike: We can record it if you want.

  Tony: It's not worth it. There's only half an hour to go.

  Mike: What about all the chat afterwards?

  Tony: Oh, I can't be bothered with that. Shall I unplug everything?

  Mike: Yeah. That'd be great. I'll clear up(收拾) tomorrow. G'night.


  1 "hit the hay"意为"go to bed"。

  2 "to go"意为"remaining"剩下,例句:I've got one exam to go, and then I've finished.

  3 Tony说"I can't be bothered with that"意为he's not going to waste his time watching the interviews after the game.


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