

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年08月29日 09:45   沪江英语

  【中文翻译】我也觉得Adrian Childs很可怜,他看上去以为自己是在个人秀。伦敦巴士的演出特别垃圾,音乐很糟糕,所有一切都带着流行文化时代的味道。运动会本身搞得非常好,但BBC有过分的民族主义之嫌(是嫌BBC吹捧英国运动员太厉害吗?)

  【留言原文】I'm staying in Singapore and feel embarrassed to go to work tomorrow after that dreadful showing by London 2012  


  【留言原文】I live in Germany and, like the person from Singapore, will be ashamed to meet my friends tomorrow  


  8 minutes of total rubbish , What the hell are we playing at , That whole bus thing and crazy people was a total sham , And as for the indian girl representing the children of England well I have seen it all now . What a mess , 2012 wont be a patch on this olympics.sam, london 


  In the London segment in the final countdown at the end of the Bejing olypics was total rubbish. If that is the best we can do to portray ourselves, then what will the rest of the world think. As a once great country we are now behind the third world, Shame Thomas Smith, Newcastle upon Tyne



  There is one word for the "London 2012" presentation at the Beijing Olympic closing ceremony...naff !This includes Boris Johnson who looked as though he is in need of a decent tailor. It would help if he buttoned up his jacket. He looked like a 4th form schoolboy.The Chinese show was magnificent. Our athletes were brilliant.Delewar, Colchester

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