
外露bra带 时尚美女的大罪过(图)

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年09月03日 11:23   新浪教育

  Other summer fashion gaffes include chipped nail varnish, skirts that show underwear, revealing your thong and white underarm deodorant stains.

  Predictions of record-breaking temperatures this summer mean women face months of fashion dilemmas as they try to avoid VBS.

  More than a quarter admit tucking the straps into their tops in an effort to keep them hidden, 24 per cent say they go bra-less and 23 per cent use bikini tops instead.

  Other tricks to disguise VBS include cutting the straps, wearing a strapless bra, using seethrough straps and wearing decorative straps.

  Off-the-shoulder tops, shoestring vests, halter-necks, plunging necklines and strapless tops were all cited as contributing to cases of VBS.


  faux pas:失利,文中指“时尚大忌”

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