2008年09月11日 15:05 新浪教育
U: U = You UR = Your U R = You are unPC = unPolitically Correct URYY4M = You Are Too Wise For Me V: VFM = Values For Money VG = Very Good W: WAG = Wild Ass Guess WAI = What An Idiot WB = Welcome Back WCA = Who Cares Anyway WDYS = What Did You Say? WDYT = What Do You Think? WE = Whatever WEG = Wicked Evil Grin WG = Wicked Grin WGAFF = Who Gives A Flying F WIIFM = What’s In It For Me? WIT = Wordsmith In Training WITFITS = What in the F is this Sh WOG = Wise Old Guy Wot/Wut = What WRT = With Respect To/With Regard To WTF = What The F WTG = Way To Go! WTSDS = Where The Sun Don’t Shine WYMM = Will You Marry Me WYP = What’s Your Problem? WYRN = What’s Your Real Name? WYS = Whatever You Say WYSIWYG = What You See Is What You Get WYT = Whatever You Think
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