

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年09月25日 14:35   新浪教育

  "Spacewalks are very important to space exploration," said Michael Braukus, the public affair officer at NASA headquarters in Washington, D.C. "Spacewalks will probably be necessary in the repair and assembly of future exploration spacecraft."

  Michael Braukus是位于美国华盛顿特区的美国宇航局总部的公共事务官员,他说“太空行走对太空探索来说是非常重要的,将来修理装备探测飞船需要太空行走的可能性非常大。”

  He said NASA's Apollo missions demonstrated the scientific importance of leaving the spacecraft and venturing outside into the moon's hostile environment to collect samples and perform science experiments.


  When asked about the prospect of cooperation between U.S. and China in the field of space exploration, the spokesman told Xinhua that during the NASA Administrator -- Michael Griffin's visit to China in Sept. 2006, the China National Space Administration (CNSA) and NASA agreed to form working groups for discussion in Earth science and space science.

  被问及美中两国在太空探索领域合作的前景时,这位发言人对新华社说,早在美国宇航局局长Michael Griffin于2006年九月访华期间,中国国家航天局和美国宇航局就达成一致,组建工作组共同探讨地球科学和太空科学。

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