

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年09月28日 14:18   碟中碟英语通

  MICHAEL SUTCLIFF: The things around the World Cup is what will be celebrated I think more here, you know, the dance, the drums. And that sort of experience I think is going to make it a World Cup that people will walk around and ran, 'Wow, it was not just a soccer event. That was an experience. It was a life-long experience.

  The South African government is investing billions of dollars to build or enlarge 10 stadiums around the country and develop bus and railway networks. New hotels and guest houses are being built to accommodate the estimated 400,000 soccer fans expected for the Cup.

  At the Indaba tourism fair, operators like Rudi Rippe of Jumbo Tours acknowledge the World Cup presents opportunities, but also poses challenges.

  RUDI RIPPE: It [World Cup] will take away our normal tourism flow. And except for the people that are directly involved in it, which are only a very limited number of companies, the rest of us will have a tougher time because we cannot get our normal coaches, our normal accommodations, etc.

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