

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年10月28日 11:45   新浪教育


  A: I waited in a queue at the post office for an hour earlier for my stamps and then the man behind the desk told me I had to stand in a different queue to buy an envelope.

  B: No way, what a jobsworth!

  对话 2

  A: So Helen, have you brought the script to the studio?

  B: No, that's not part of my job. I'm not responsible for the scripts.

  A: So come on Helen, where are those scripts?

  B: I told you, it's not my job to bring the scripts to the studio.

  A: You really are a jobsworth, aren't you?

  B: Only joking! I've got the scripts right here.

  Don't be such a jobsworth! 少一些officious and inflexible的职员,少一些petty rule-following and excessive 的职能部门,多一点付出,多一丝关怀,大家一起在互帮互助的社会氛围里享受


  说到这里,Jeremy Taylor的歌声在耳际回荡:Jobsworth, Jobsworth, Its more than me job's worth, I can keep you waiting for hours in the queue, And if you don't like it you know what you can do......

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