

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年10月29日 14:19   新浪教育

  Another non-nefarious cause of increasing income disparity may be our ever-higher immigration rates. Immigrants tend to cluster in low-and high-income groups. Thus it is no surprise that in the seven most unequal states--New York, Arizona, New Mexico, Louisiana, California, Rhode Island and Texas--about 13 percent of the population is foreign-born(in California, it's 25 percent). Among the seven states with the smallest income disparities, the immigrant population is only 3.8 percent.



  The shift away from manufacturing is also a factor. Service workers span the gamut from hotel maids to brain surgeons, while the pay range is generally narrower in the manufacturing sector. States that are industrial tend to have more equal distributions of income. Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics show that about 10 percent of workers in Arizona, Louisiana and New York have manufacturing jobs, whereas in more equal states like Indiana and Wisconsin the figure is 23 percent.


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