

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年10月30日 16:37   新浪教育

  6 Make the celebrity culture work for you and them--keep abreast of their current heroes. If they don't know much about them, do some research together to see what has helped them become successful and stay motivated. Magazines and the Internet are full of interviews and stories about how famous people " made it". You can then refer back to this meaningful wisdom when the going gets tough. For example:" David Beckham didn't get where he is today by staying up all night playing computer games," or" Kylie Minogue is so attractive because she smiles all the time."



  7 Encourage them to be self-reflective when they get it right -- help them to think about the hows and whys. Reminding them of things they have done well in the past may also help. For example:"You seemed to have no trouble getting down to that essay. I wonder why it was easier for you to do your homework this week?" Or:" Do you remember during the exams last term, you found thinking positively and not panicking really seemed to help you?"


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