

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年11月05日 14:28   新浪教育

  Before you go, remember that whenever you are launching a new product, starting a new project, or even selling a new idea, it's extremely important to think of a great title for the baby. The aim is to create something that is original, easy to remember, easy to read, easy to say, and at the same time free of cultural misunderstandings. Some years ago, a Japanese company called Tokyo Tsushin Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha made the decision to become more international and to rename their child. They changed its name to...Sony.

  在读完本文之前,请记住,无论何时,当你推出一个新产品、开始一个新项目、甚至宣传一种新观点的时候,为你的“孩子”起个绝妙的名字至关重要。你的目标是取出新颖、好记、好读、好说的名字,而且要避免产生文化上的误解。若干年前,一家名叫Tokyo Tsushin Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha 的日本企业决心让自己更国际化,于是给企业改名,他们的名字改成了......Sony(索尼)。

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